Change Within Reach

September Change Within Reach

During the month of September, Natural Harvest shoppers donated $1,982.36 to the United Way of Northeastern Minnesota‘s Buddy Backpacks Program. The donations will be used to provide backpacks filled with nutritious, nonperishable, child-friendly food items to school children who are at risk of going hungry over the weekends. Thank You Co-op Shoppers!

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August Change Within Reach

During the month of August, Natural Harvest shoppers donated $2,128.89 to the Friends of the Lake Vermilion Trail by rounding up their purchase amounts at the register. The donations will be used to support the development of a paved recreational trail for non-motorized travel between Cook and Tower, including work on trail reconnaissance, environmental review,…

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July Change Within Reach

During the month of July, Natural Harvest Food Co-op shoppers donated $1,898.51 to the Greenhaven Inclusive Community Playground by rounding their purchase amounts up at the register. The funds will be used to bridge the gap between all abilities and generations in the Hibbing community by providing a new, safe, and accessible playground for all abilities…

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June Change Within Reach

During the month of June, Natural Harvest shoppers donated $1,898.51 to Growing Together Virginia Community Gardens  by rounding their purchase amounts up at the register. The donations will be used to revamp their Foyer Gardens by replacing the raised garden beds, supplying new dirt, and removing trees to increase sun exposure. Thank You Co-op Shoppers!…

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