Featured Artist

Display Artwork at Your Co-op

We are looking to feature the work of local artists in the front seating area. Art displays run monthly from beginning to end of each month and work must be in a format that is able to hang on a hook and rod display system. Natural Harvest does not charge any commission fees or handle the sales of artwork. If the artwork is for sale, interested parties will be instructed to contact artists directly for purchase.

Approved artists will be asked to answer a handful of brief interview questions and have their pictures taken in front of their display. The answers and images will be shared on the Co-op’s marketing channels. This includes social media, the website blog, email blasts, and possibly the newsletter.

If you or someone you know is interested in displaying, please submit an email request that includes digital sample images of your work to info@naturalharvest.coop. Once received your artwork content will be reviewed for approval and we will contact you with further information.


January’s Featured Artist: Katie Packa

Katie Packa Instagram: @cherrybomb081 I have been drawing and painting all of my life. This past year I started doing some collage and found it very therapeutic. Everything on display was made using old magazines. I do a lot of layering, tearing and rearranging till things just feel right.  Anyone can do this.  When I’m…

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732 N. 4th St.
Virginia, MN 55792


M-F: 8AM-8PM | Weekends: 9AM-7PM

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