Co-op Articles & Bylaws

The Articles & Bylaws documents lay out how our Co-op is to be governed.  The governing body, which in our case is the Board of Directors, must abide by these Bylaws.

Typically, a cooperative’s Bylaws can only be changed by a democratic vote (or in some cases, consensus) of the ownership/membership.  For this reason, cooperatives usually limit their Bylaws to fundamental governance-level issues.  More specific operational procedures may be documented in policy manuals or handbooks, which can be changed as needed by Directors, (co-)managers, committee members, staff, or other bodies using approved decision-making processes.

Articles & Bylaws may not be the most exciting aspect of a co-op, but the Bylaws are an important element of a co-op’s foundation.

Amended & Restated Articles Bylaws

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732 N. 4th St.
Virginia, MN 55792


M-F: 8AM-8PM | Weekends: 9AM-7PM

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