Become a Co-op Owner!

Join more than 4,400 of your friends and neighbors in owning Natural Harvest Food Co-op.

Although you don’t have to be an Owner to shop, we think the benefits of Ownership are pretty great! You will see the value in the Ownership perks, but the real value lies in the knowledge that you are supporting local farmers, producers, and your community when you invest in your Co-op.

Ownership Perks

Special Discounts and Rewards*:

  • Reusable canvas bag featuring the Natural Harvest logo
  • Receive a discount on class fees
  • Special order privileges – 10% discount on qualifying case purchases
  • Monthly Owner Deals – sales just for Owners

*Owner discounts and rewards are subject to change without notice

Patronage Dividends:

You may receive a percentage of the Co-op profits created by sales if the store made a profit during the year. The Board of Directors determines how much of the profit goes back into the Co-op and how much is distributed to Owners.

More Information

You Vote:

  • Vote in our Board of Directors elections, or run for an open seat
  • Attend annual meetings and help shape the future of your Co-op
  • Receive updates from your Co-op:
    • Receive our quarterly e-newsletter, “The Harvest Beet”

Feel good

  • You’re supporting a Co-op that employs more than 35 of your fellow community members
  • You’re helping create a vibrant local economy that keeps profits within our community

Join Today: It’s Quick & Easy!

The current investment amount of $100 buys your fair-share Ownership stock. It can be paid all at once or in four quarterly installments of $25. Payments must be completed within one year of investment.

Download Ownership Application

Once you’ve completed your application, bring it to the Co-op, give it to a cashier and make your equity payment. You may also choose to mail it, along with a check, directly to the Co-op. Ownership applications are available in-store as well.

Find Us

732 N. 4th St.
Virginia, MN 55792


M-F: 8AM-8PM | Weekends: 9AM-7PM

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