March’s Featured Artist: Jean Young

Interview with March’s Featured Artist: Jean Young

What drives you to create?

Creativity and passion. I had to take a look deep inside to find what inspires me;  my desire to capture these moments, whether they are emotional or storytelling.

How do you make your artwork?

I have two cameras that I use. Both are Canon cameras. One is a basic camera for wildlife and the other is a full frame that I use for landscape and night photography. I also have an assortment of lens, macro (for small details, wide angle for landscape, two different zoom lens for wildlife, and another wide lens for birding. Plus a few basic lens.

What does your artwork represent?

My artwork represents our beautiful Mother Earth; living creatures, trees, plants and water.

What inspires you?

When you look up close at a drop of rain falling off a leaf, a magestic Eagle perched on a tree, the sight and sound of loons, momma birds feeding their babies, a starry sky, the glistening snow, and the fine details of a snowflake. It’s so easy to disconnect and get lost in the beauty that surrounds us.

What does your artwork mean to you?

I love how I am able to capture these special moments and share with others.

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