Teacher and Artist
My paintings are usually created in oil or acrylic paint but occasionally in watercolor. Using brushes and/or pallet knives, the paint may be applied on stretched canvas, canvas panels or wood. The finished art is usually varnished to improve longevity. Using bold color my artwork is often a visual a shout of joy and is
inspired by our environment, respect for the small things in life, and appreciation of all life. Images of our Mesabi Iron Range and wildlife are a favorite of mine. I often work intuitively, from ideas that I have. The resulting artwork is recognizable but not realism or abstractions. “Painterly” is my goal, and my artwork often has a tactile texture. I hope to share my “Ranger” cultural pride and joy in my artwork.
The Mesabi Range Iron Mines have provided 75 % of the iron needed to keep our country strong in times of war. My family represents 4 generations of Iron miners and I am so proud of all of my mining family. The soft red-ore is gone now but fresh water lakes and forests have replaced them. Presently, our taconite mines process low grade iron rock into taconite pellets making iron and steel production still possible. This evolution of mining is the inspiration for many of my paintings.
Painting is my personal form of fulfillment, and I find that self expression through art is a good way to share my pride and joy of our Mesabi Iron Range with others.
I paint the beauty of our Northern landscape because I want to make the world aware of The Mesabi Iron Range. Our land is beautiful, the air and water are pure, our contribution to freedom is real, and our hard working people deserve admiration!
In appreciation,
Jane Wertanen, MFA