Round Up for Charity

Change Within Reach Program

Our Change Within Reach program gives Co-op shoppers the chance to contribute to community organizations in a way that does not break the bank but cumulatively makes a huge impact. Each month a local non-profit organization is featured as the program’s recipient to receive one hundred percent of the funds raised over the course of that month. It is anticipated participating organizations could receive donations of $1,000-$2,000.

Shoppers donate by allowing their purchase amount to be rounded up to the next highest dollar. Since the program started in April of 2014, Natural Harvest shoppers have raised over $150,000 for local non-profit organizations; in 2023 alone, over $26,350 was raised.

Your Co-op would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to Co-op Shoppers for your continued donations and overall support of the program and another huge THANK YOU to the local non-profit organizations for the critical work they do to serve our Iron Range Community!

View past Change Within Reach updates.

Are you affiliated with a local non-profit organization that would benefit from this program?

Every year, we ask local non-profit organizations that service our community to apply for this program. Applications for 2026 in to be submitted by August 31st, 2025.

2026 Change Within Reach Application

We do our best to diversify the recipients selected from year to year. Those not selected are encouraged to apply again.

Change Within Reach Round-Up Program Eligibility:

  • Your group must be a 501(c)3, 501(c)4 or other designated non-profit organization
  • Your organization must serve the local Mesabi Iron Range community directly
  • Your organization must be religiously and politically neutral
  • Your organization must be non-discriminatory on the basis of any legally recognized category including but not limited to race, creed, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical disability


Current Change within Reach Recipient

Current Recipient

Quad City Food Shelf

Our food provides stability and nourishes our Northland neighbors in need. It allows children to grow up healthy and focus and concentrate in school. It ensures vitality, a sense of well-being and stability for adults. It allows seniors access to essential nutrients that support their good health.

Learn more about this program here.

As always, thank you for your continued support! Together, we can change our community for the better.

2025 Recipients

  • January: Virginia Area Historical Society
  • February: Justice North
  • March: Quad City Food Shelf
  • April: Friends of the Greenhouse
  • May: North St. Louis County 4-H
  • June: Iron Range Off-Road Cyclists
  • July: Northwoods/Cherry/Tower Soudan/Northeast Range JOM Parent Committee
  • August: Friends of Wirtanen Pioneer Farm
  • September: Friends of the Eveleth Public Library
  • October: Mesabi Musical Theatre
  • November: Soroptimist International of Virginia
  • December: Mesabi Humane Society

January’s Change Within Reach Recap

In January our customers donated $1,878.12 to Virginia Area Historical Society!

Funds donated will be used for preservation of photographs, negatives, documents, and newspaper collections.

Learn more about this program here.

Thank you for your continued support. Together, we can change our community for the better.

Find Us

732 N. 4th St.
Virginia, MN 55792


M-F: 8AM-8PM | Weekends: 9AM-7PM

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